The Negative Effects of Workplace Bullying

Some people deal with bullying all their lives. Sometimes, it may even follow them into the workplace.

In some instances, workplace bullying can be a form of discrimination. It can also take a toll on the victim in a few different ways.

Workplace Bullying

In short, workplace bullying occurs when one party targets and mistreats another party on a consistent basis. In cases where the mistreated party belongs to a different classification than the bullying party, such as race or nationality, sex or age, the bullying may also fall under discrimination.

Bullying may take a few different forms, though in the workplace, it tends to be more psychological than physical. A bully may also use a few different tactics, such as threats, humiliation or sabotage of a co-worker’s work.

The Effects

Along with negatively impacting work performance, workplace bullying can have negative effects on the bullied party personally. In many cases, a bullied party may experience health issues, such as:

  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety

When such conditions occur, this may lead to the party needing psychological treatment, which may include a medical regimen. In extreme cases, bullying can lead to a party leaving a position, or even the entire job market.

Employee Rights

The government provides a guide for employee rights to promote employees enjoying positive work conditions and benefits. Workplace bullying goes against this principle, and companies should not tolerate it.

Many employers have anti-bullying policies in place. Even if a company does not, it is important that employees report instances of bullying to their superior. If the bully is a superior, then it may be necessary to report harassment to the superior party’s manager.

By understanding these key facts about workplace bullying, you may identify it and properly address it within your work environment. It may also be beneficial to review the employee rights in full to know the best course of action.