Older women in California who have been discriminated against in the workplace due to their age may have legal recourse. However, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, just 3 percent of older workers in general who have seen or been a victim of workplace age discrimination have filed a complaint.

There are multiple reasons older women may not file a complaint, either internally or through a government agency. They may fear that they will be retaliated against or that reporting the discrimination may not yield any real results.

Older women who believe that they have been discriminated against because of their age can take certain steps to protect their interests and rights. Before submitting a complaint, they might first address the individual who is engaging in the behavior. For example, women who have been denied access to an opportunity within a company because they are perceived to be too old to understand complicated technology may try to speak with the manager overseeing the opportunity and explain how they are being underestimated.

If speaking directly to the individual does not yield any results, women who have been victims of age discrimination should report the discrimination internally, making sure to adhere to the reporting procedure at their company. Details regarding reporting protocols may be located in an employee handbook, or women may speak with someone in the human resources department. In situations in which no answers can be gained from the HR department or any other resources within the company, it will be necessary for a charge of discrimination to be filed with the appropriate government agency. They might want to have the assistance of an employment law attorney when doing so.