Department of Labor Sues Oracle Over $400 Million in Lost Wages

A major discrimination lawsuit against tech giant Oracle could have implications for employers in California and nationwide. According to the lawsuit, Oracle’s practices were so discriminatory that it cost black, female, and Asian employees more than $400 million in pay over four years.

The lawsuit, filed by the United States Department of Labor, came after the conclusion of a 2014 investigation into the company.

Filed in 2017, the suit alleges a number of factors that have led to discriminatory pay. To begin, the Department of Labor believes that Oracle’s college and university hiring practices largely discriminate against employees that are black, Asian, or female.

While Oracle hires a large number of Asian graduates, the Department argues that Oracle’s hiring strategy relies on foreign visa-holders that can be taken advantage of. This is due to their visa being dependent on continued employment with Oracle.

Additionally, the Department of Labor found that pay rates were largely based on previous salaries. This procedure has the potential to lead to pay discrimination as well.

The lawsuit seeks, among other things, to sanction Oracle by revoking government contracts held by the company. According to the complaint, Oracle receives over $100 million every year from public funds for contract work with the United States government.

The lawsuit filed by the Department of Labor seeks to push tech companies like Oracle into employment practices that are less discriminatory than they are now. Be that as it may, workplace discrimination is still a reality for many in the technology sector. An attorney might be able to help a worker that was discriminated against obtain compensation for damages by filing a lawsuit on their behalf.