Most older employees in California work hard to further their careers. Yet, despite putting forth their best efforts while on the job, these workers aren’t able to secure promotions, raises, or other opportunities. While there are many reasons that a career may stall, age discrimination is sometimes a factor.

Unfortunately, some companies have developed a youth-oriented culture that can translate into an ageist workplace. As a result, older employees may find it difficult to advance within the company, particularly if they feel that they are undervalued by management and their colleagues.

An ageist corporate culture can manifest in several ways. In some cases, a company may brand itself in such a way as to show that it values youth over age and experience. While younger employees should be valued and nurtured, this may sometimes happen at the expense of older employees. Company promotional materials, such as websites and brochures that only show younger workers may cause older workers to feel marginalized.

It is also true that some employers tend to invest more in the training and education of younger workers, even when older workers may likewise benefit from such opportunities. When only younger workers receive mentoring and get sent to conferences or classes, older workers may feel that the company isn’t interested in helping them reach the next level in their careers.

People who believe that they might be experiencing workplace age discrimination may benefit from speaking with an experienced employment attorney. Counsel can review their case and make recommendations regarding possible remedies, which could include the filing of a claim with the appropriate state or federal agency.